nia moore

Nia Moore

The great Nia Moore’s signature brand and humor talk whilst standing BIO: For as long as she can remember, Nia Moore wanted to make people laugh.Be it as the elementary school class clown, or by imitating Richard Pryor’s “Mudbone” before a spanking. But shyness, fear,

bryan richardson


B-Rich (Bryan Richardson), brings real-world, mean uncle sensibilities and modern dating stories to life with his conversational humor. It might not be for the kids, but B-Rich brings wisdom that we can all relate to.

ed wiley

Ed Wiley

Ed can simply talk about the realities of having 6 kids and have enough stories for a 2 hour comedy special.  However, he’s also a talented musician who brings music comedy and southern sensibilities to the masses. Always performing and always writing, Ed can bring