
lisa osborne

Lisa KO

Lisa KO (her maiden name is “Key”, hence the “K”, whilst her last name is “osborne”, hence the “O”. Married to “Dr. O”, Lisa is a practicing Audiologist who will not be quitting that job to pursue a career in stand up comedy.

cyrus steele

Cyrus Steele

Cyrus is a master impressionist who brings raucous social commentary to the stage in a family friendly manner.   Guaranteed to the “bring the funny” to any and all audiences, Cyrus has performed to sold out audiences throughout Atlanta and has shared the stage with

gay bob

Gay Bob

The comedic stylings of Gay Bob, who just happens to be gay

nia moore

Nia Moore

The great Nia Moore’s signature brand and humor talk whilst standing BIO: For as long as she can remember, Nia Moore wanted to make people laugh.Be it as the elementary school class clown, or by imitating Richard Pryor’s “Mudbone” before a spanking. But shyness, fear,

bryan richardson


B-Rich (Bryan Richardson), brings real-world, mean uncle sensibilities and modern dating stories to life with his conversational humor. It might not be for the kids, but B-Rich brings wisdom that we can all relate to.

ed wiley

Ed Wiley

Ed can simply talk about the realities of having 6 kids and have enough stories for a 2 hour comedy special.  However, he’s also a talented musician who brings music comedy and southern sensibilities to the masses. Always performing and always writing, Ed can bring